Posted By: CePal (ICQ # 60033556) on 'CZchristian'
Title:     trhanovi na 4-ku (ohledne evangelia a jeho "moci")
Date:      Tue Jan 22 03:43:29 2002

> >> Bible<>jen novy zakon, ale novy zakon je pro nevericiho cloveka
> dulezitejsi,
> >> protoze obsahuje evangelium, tedy Bozi moc ke spaseni.

> > Placas dohromady dve veci - Evangelia (I.) (jako literarni utvar) a
> > 'euangelion' (II.) = dobra zprava (o Bozi spase).

> 1. precti si ten text jeste jednou! Kde tam vidis nejake placani nejakych
> dvou veci dohromady??? Psal jsem, ze obsahuje >evangelium<. Tedy singular,
> nikoliv plural. Kdybych chtel napsat, ze obsahuje evangelia (literarni
> utvary), tak bych to napsal. Samozrejme, ze jsem mel na mysli dobrou zpravu.
> Ty jsi krestan? Jasne tam pisu, ze NZ obsahuje evangelium, tedy Bozi moc ke
> spaseni - mas snad dojem, ze by literarni utvar nekoho spasil??? "Nestydim
> se
> za evangelium: je to moc Bozi ke spaseni pro kazdeho kdo veri, predne pro
> Zida, ale take pro Reka." (Rimanum 1:16)

Prosil bych pozor; EVANGELIUM je ZVEST a zvest nema zadnou pravomoc, moc,
proste neni to nic VYKONNEHO, neni Duch Svaty, ani Kniha Zivota. Zvest vam
OZNAMUJE radostnou, dobrou, nadejnou zpravu, ktera ma jistou pravdepodobnost
a ktera nabizi urcitou alternativu ke stavajicimu stavu veci co se tyce
vyvoje do budoucna a zahrnuje urcite prisliby, pripadne podminene sliby (kdyz
udelas tohle atd. atd.

Jeste prilozim vypis z Britannicy ohledne slova GOSPEL, coz je presny preklad 
naseho terminu do anglictiny:
GOSPEL /encyclopedia/
any of four biblical narratives covering the life and death of Jesus Christ. 
Written, according to tradition, respectively by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and 
John (the four evangelists), they are placed at the beginning of the New 
Testament and make up about half the total text. The word gospel is derived 
from the Anglo-Saxon term god-spell, meaning "good story," a rendering of the 
Latin evangelium and the Greek euangelion, meaning "good news" or "good 
telling." Since the late 18th century the first three have been called the 
Synoptic Gospels, because the texts, set side by side, show a similar 
treatment of the life and death of Jesus Christ. See also Diatessaron; 
individual gospels by author.

GOSPEL /dictionary/
_n_ [ME, fr. OE godspel (trans. of LL evangelium), fr. _gog_ good + _spell_ 
tale-more at "spell"] (bet 12c):
1a) _often cap_: the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and 
1b) _cap_: one of the first four New Testament books telling of the life, 
death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; _also_: a similar apocryphal book
1c) an interpretation of the Christian message <the social ~>
2) _cap_: a lection from one of the New Testament Gospels
3) the message or teachings of a religious teacher
4) something accepted as infallible truth or as a guiding principle <the ~ of 
conservation - R. M. Hodesh>
5) gospel music
1a) having a basis in or being in accordance with the gospel: evangelical 
<ordained to the ~ ministry - Christian Century>
1b) marked b special or fervid emphasis on the gospel <a ~ meeting>
2) of, relating to, or being religious songs of American origin associated 
wit evangelism and popular devotion and marked by simple melody and harmony 
and elements of folk songs and blues

Nebudu to jiz dale rozvadet, tu cast /dictionary/ jsem musel prepsat rucne, 
protoze Britannica 2k2 neumoznuje v teto sekci cut'n'paste a proto, ze to 
povazuji za dostatecne dementovani bludneho spojeni "evangelium je Bozi moc 
ke spaseni". Mimochodem, ta veta mi VUBEC NEDAVA SMYSL, takze jsem si z ni 
vzal to, co jsem pochopil - "evangelium je moc" (moc ke spaseni je 
prinejmensim 'divne' spojeni, mluvit o zvesti, ze je 'Bozi moci' je jeste 

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