Posted By: Fencer (MuzeUpirZemritZaziva?) on 'CZcompMusic'
Title:     Nazory na IT 3.00 odjinud
Date:      Fri Jul  3 16:58:04 1998


   pokud by nekoho zajimalo, co si o vyse uvedenem projektu mysli Maz 
[], placnu sem cast mailu, ktery mi poslal:


>What do you think about that? [I mean the IT 3.00 stuff] I'm sure this
>should be a really amazing prog and the first beta-version is going to be
>released within five or six months ...

Hehe, I totally fell in love with BUZZ, but, well, it sounds like good
stuff! :-)
But since the Buzz author seems not very interested in a team project
(which is just dumb, imho) it's always good to have a choice between SOME
superb tools. :-) Maybe Unreal could win the race :-)




"I never make exceptions. An exception disproves the rule."

				Sherlock Holmes
		(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - The Sign of Four)

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