Posted By: Zaba (I'd rather be skiing!) on 'CZhumor' Title: anglictina pre kazde telo Date: Sat Mar 18 14:25:22 2000 ty co neumej anglicky maji smulu, nedjriv se holt musej naucit aby se zase mohli odnaucit:))) Zabudnite Anglicky o pol hodiny! Odnaucitel Anglickeho jazyka pre extremne pokrocilych (Un-Teacher of the English Tongue for Top-Ranked Learners and PROs) Po Slovensky In English Tento kurz je urceny pre This rate is designated for posluchacov vysokych skol a listeners of mountainous univerzit, prekladatelov, ale schools, transferers and also aj siroku verejnost, ktora the wide public, exhausted by pocituje unavu z prilis too high amount of English rozsiahlej znalosti Anglickeho tongue knowledge. After a jazyka. Po dokladnom precitani massive for-reading of the nasledujucich cviceni by sa following trainings there mala objavit ulava, should be discovered a zapricinena znizenim a discount, behind-caused by destrukciou Vasich jazykovych enlowment and downgrade of vedomosti. your knowledges. Lekcia 1: Frazeologia (phrases, idioms & proverbs) Aka duchaplna myslienka! What a ghostful idea! Rano mudrejsie vecera. It's wiser to dine in the morning. Bozie mlyny melu pomaly, ale God's mills are more insured isto. than functional. Na zdravie! On the health! Nema to cenu. It doesn't have any price. Basa tvrdi muziku. A prison makes music stronger. Mam sa velmi dobre. I've got myself very good. Pustila som ho k vode. I have released him to the water. Isiel spity pod obraz. He went drunk under the picture. Si z toho cela prec. You are all away of it. Dohodil mu nevestu. He threw him the bride. Beriem ta za slovo. I am taking you by the word. Remeslo ma zlate dno. A craft has a golden bottom. Daj mi pokoj! Give me an appartment! Nemaluj certa na stenu! Don't paint the devil on the wall! Pre mna - za mna ... For me - beyond me ... Je to ako hrach na stenu It is like throwing peas on hadzat. the wall. Kto do teba kamenom, ty do Who with a stone into you, you neho chlebom. with bread into him. Bola na neho prikratka. She was too short for him. Postavit vodu na caj. To set a water on a tea. Drz hubu! Catch the mouth! Ako sa do hory vola, tak sa z What scream goes to the hory ozyva. mountain, the same goes back. Mam to v malicku. I have it in my little finger. Mat z pekla stastie. To have a fortune from the hell. Tam je pes zakopany! The dog is dug over there! Loz ma kratke nohy. A lie has short legs. Mat chrobaka v hlave. To have a beetle in ones mind. Liezt na nervy. To climb upon the nerves. Seklo ho v krizoch. It has cut him into the crosses. Prehral si platnu. He has gambled off his cook- range. Padli si do oka. They have fallen into each other's eyes. Hrat sa na slepu babu. To play on a blind squaw. Hodit flintu do zita. To throw the rifle into the corn. Je mi nevolno. It's not free to me. Vysiel na psi tridsiatok. He went on a dog's thirties. Vrana k vrane sada - rovny A crow is sitting by a crow - rovneho si hlada. equal is looking for another equal. Mam ta plne zuby. I have my teeth full of you. Babka k babce, budu kapce. Granny to the granny, the boots will be. Lepsi vrabec v hrsti ako holub Better sparrow in handful than na streche. a dove on the roof. Darovanemu konovi na zuby Don't inspect the denture of a nehlad. donated horse. Vypalit niekomu rybnik. To burn out someone's lake. Prisiel na psa mraz. A frost came upon a dog. Presla mu cez rozum. She has passed through his brain. Vzal nohy na plecia. He took the legs on the shoulders. Len tak na okraj. Just on a border. Bezal ozlomkrky. He ran about neck-break. Klamala ostosest. She has lied about one hundred and six. Minul som sa povolanim. I have passed myself with a profession. Komu sa neleni, tomu sa He who isn't lazy has a green zeleni. one. Trafena hus zagaga. A shot goose will make a gaggle. Vonku je pocasie pod psa. There is weather under the dog outside. Menej je niekedy viac. Lassie eats sometimes more. Zlocinec zistil, ze vzduch je The badmaker found out that cisty. the air-conditioning works perfectly. Lekcia 2: Literatura (Literature) Kralovna zije na zamku. A kingness lives on a lock. Cervena Ciapocka sa vydala na The Red Cap got married on the cestu. road. Janko hrasko polahky vyhodil Little John Pea has easily zbojnika na strom. dismissed the bush-ranger to the tree. Velka Noc je v plnom prude. The Big Night is in its full stream. Macko Pu sa pozberal zo zeme a The Pu-bear has harvested velmi tazko vstal. himself from the Earth and erected hard. Janosik zatancoval rezky The Chic John has performed an odzemok a zatocil valaskou. off-ground dance and then screwed a Walachian girl. Cesta na Mesiac. The journey for a month. Lekcia 3: Technicky jazyk (Tek-Tongue) Pocitac vyhlasil chybu. An after-reader has pronounced a mistake. Cez kovove vodice moze An electrical stream can walk prechadzat elektricky prud. during metallic drivers. Mohli by ste, prosim, zavriet Would you mind pressing ALT+F4 okno? ? Stlacte lave tlacidlo mysi a Press the left pressling of potom zvolte typ ovladaca na the rat and then elect your vasej maticnej doske. mother board's driver. Mojmu mobilnemu telefonu prave A battery of my moveable phone dosla bateria. has just arrived. Pocitacova tlaciaren dokaze A counter-presser is able to vytlacit lubovolny textovy produce any character's vystup. performance. Lekcia 4: Politika (Politics) Velvyslanec bol vymenovany. A broadcaster was outnamed. Politicka strana podviedla A political side has vsetkych svojich volicov. underconducted all of its voters. Hovorca poprednej politickej Teller of the political front strany hral na slavnostnom page was rolling balls with vecierku billiard s outcaster's mistress on the velvyslancovou asistentkou. jubilee little evening. Lekcia 5: Slang (Slang) Je mi na sablu. It is on the sword to me. Nehodime poker? Why don't we throw a poker? Je to cele na kocku! It's all on a pussy-cat! Je mi to platne jak hadovi It's valid to me like legs to nohy. a snake. Neskocime na didzinu? Wouldn't we jump on a discotheque? Vylez mi na hrb! Climb up my back-mountain! Mam to na haku. I have it on the hook. Dali sme si do nosa. We have got into our noses. Lekcia 6: Hobby (Hobby & Pastime Activities) V lete, ked byva poriadna In flight, when it's precise horucava, vsetci chodia warmthness, everybody is surfovat na pobrezie. browsing banks. Lekcia 7: Nazvy piesni z originalu do Slovenciny (Song Titles) You could be mine. Mohol si byt banikom. The show must go on. Ukaz mi pokracovanie. Can't touch this. Nemozem to otocit. Let it be. Nechaj tu vcelu. Love me do. Urob mi to. Hold me tight. Podrz mi ponozku. Roll over Beethoven. Prevalcuj Beethovena. Lekcia 8: Zdvorila konverzacia (Polite Conversation) Prosim Vas, kolko je hodin? Hey, ho' many watches 'ya got? Ako sa volate? How do you call yourself? Odprevadim vas k vychodu. I will accompany you to the East. Bude mi potesenim zastupit It will be a pleasure to tread vas. on you. Vystrihajte sa tychto Try to cut out of these problemov. problems. Po uvazeni zaujmem stanovisko. After scaling I will capture a place for a tent. Citte sa ako doma. Smell yourselves like at home. Za tuto stenu sa vam mozem I can fist you behind this zarucit. wall. Lekcia 9: Slovenske mena (Slovak names) Drahoslav..... Expensiver Bohuslava..... Godfamy Severin..... Northbert Radovan..... Joyster Dobroslav..... Goodmaker Zora..... Aurora Gejza..... Gaybehind Gaspar..... Jester Perla..... Pearl Pravoslav..... Rightcelebrator Vlasta..... Hairy-fairy Zlatica..... Goldie Bohumil..... Godlover Kazimir..... Spoiler Svetlana..... Lantern Vitazoslav..... Winnerfan Jarmila..... Springlover Lesana..... Forestie Lenka..... Only K. Blanka..... Membrane Ladislav..... Tuner Tichomir..... Silencer / Quietpeace Prokop..... Spader Nora..... Lair Ludomil..... Manlover Edita..... Wordie Levoslav..... Lioner / Lioncelebrator Koloman..... Wheelman Lukas..... Archer Svatopluk..... Holysquad / Saintregiment Barbara..... Savagress Zlatko..... Darling Tamara..... Thatmarry David..... Vomitador Mojmir..... Mypeace Lekcia 10: Geograficke nazvy (Geographical names) Senica.................... Hayville Nitra.................... Nitro City Nove Zamky.................... New Castles / New Locks Liptovsky Mikulas.......... The Liptov Santa Claus Zvolen.................... San Selectado / Electedville Rim. Sobota............... Rome Saturday Roznava.................... Grillside Presov.................... Forshow Michalovce.................... Michaelsheep Dubnica.................... Oakville Revuca.................... Screamingstone Nalepkovo.................... Sticker Valley Partizanske................... Los Guerillos / Los Partisanos Stupava.................... Stepside Nove Mesto nad Vahom......... New York upon Scales Kremnica.................... Creamton Nova Bana.................... New Mine Dunajska Streda.............. Danubian Wednesday Modra.................... Blueford Banska Stiavnica............. Mine Juice Zeliezovce.................... Ironsheep Komarno.................... Los Mosquitos Prievidza.................... Throughsight Povazska Bystrica........... Afterscales Mountainriver Lekcia 11: Ustalene slovne spojenia (Collocations) Naslovo vzaty odbornik A for-a-word-taken expert Ostrielany pravnik An overshooted lawyer Podnapity predavac An underdrunken forgiver Uzkoprsa sestricka A narrow-breasted little sister Korunny svedok An one-coin witness Svatojanska muska A Saint John fly Dopravna zapcha To-the-right stopshittment Studena fronta A frigid queue Nadzvukove lietadlo An oversounded plane Metrovy textil One meter long textile Lekcia 12: Naradie a pristroje (Tools and devices) Vrtacka A wall-hole maker Obuvak A shoe on-putter Hreben A hair synchroniser Zosilnovac An enstronger Lekcia 13: Varenie a jedla (Meals) Cernice Blackies Brusnica A sharpie Cerstve rozky Fresh minicorners Bezvajecne cestoviny Eggless roadies Melonova stava An one-million-worth juice Hranolky podavajte s tatarskou Mini-prisms interpret with omackou. Tartarian o'cat. Lekcia 14: Moda a oblecenie (Fashion and Dressing) Ten klobuk ti pristane. That hat will land you. Kupil som si plazove slapky. I have bought a pair of beach whores. Na zaver - nepodareny dabing: How do you do? Ako to robis? All right! Vsetko pravackou!