Posted By: Neuromancer (maniodepresivni myska) on 'CZmsdos'
Title:     Re: Problem ...
Date:      Fri Jan 15 18:42:18 1999

> Bohuzel, v DOSu ( a ani v nicem jinem) se moc nevyznam. Nainstaloval jsem do
> jedne 286ky starou t602. Kdyz se ji snazim pustit, pise mi to tuhle hlasku:
> DPMI error(4004) unrecognized hardware run DPMIINST   Divide error
> dpmiinst sem nikde nenasel a i jinak si s tim nevim rady. Nevite nekdo v cem
> by mohl byt problem???
>                                        s pozdravem Kerberos
  dpmiinst je program na nastaveni borlandiho dpmi a melo by byt v Borland
Pascalu 7 a snad i v BC 3.1. Jo, a chce to tusim boot bez himemu.sys
 We're not alone, there's someone else, too, |        Neuromancer         |
 from the mirror's other side                ----------------------------/
 reflecting the cruel part of your soul    
 it's time for your choice....                   Blind Guardian

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