Posted By: Neuromancer (... bright eyes ...) on 'CZprogram'
Title:     Re: std::string
Date:      Wed Feb 20 21:31:14 2002

> Zdravice,
> kompletni blbost: jak konvertovat (efektivne) std::string do uppercase?
> Copak 
> blby basic_string nema takovou methodu? Nechci to delat pomoci strupr, nebo 
> neceho podobneho.
> Pripadam si jako ...
> Dik za kazde info.
> None
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void main(void)
  string cTest = "HuHlu dudlu";
  std::ctype<char> cLoc;
  cLoc.toupper(cTest.begin(), cTest.end());
  std::cout << cTest;

Jinak to asi chce projit help k std::locale, bohuzel M$ dokumentace k STL
sucks (IMHO) takze ti ted asi lip neporadim...

|       ICQ 20529980                               Neuromancer       |
|              Take me far away, where the dragons fly,              |
/------------ leave me to my dreams, or just let me die. ------------

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