Posted By: queen (OpenBSD) on 'CZtv'
Title:     Re: Seven
Date:      Sun Jun  6 19:50:29 1999

Takze cela tabulka:
Gluttory - Obzerstvi  - tlustoch
Greed    - Chamtivost - pravnik
Sloth    - Lenost     - prekupnik drog
Envy     - Zavist     - John Doe
Wrath    - Hnev       - David Mills
Pride    - Pycha      - holka s krasnou tvari
Lust     - Smilstvo   - prostitutka

I was the dreamweaver but now I'm reborn, I was the walrus but now I'm John.
And so, dear friends, you'll just have to carry on. The dream is over.

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