Posted By: eagle (Jirka Novak) on 'CZwww'
Title:     Re: Refresh
Date:      Tue Nov 21 13:23:37 2000

  Diky ti, o mocny tazateli, za to, zes pripomnel nebohemu pitomci duvod jeho 
navstevy na BBS.  :-)

  Ted uz normalne, tohle me zas tak casto nechyta, sem v pohode.. sem.. 
fakticky. Pripojil sem se, abych se tu na neco zeptal a uplne sem zapomnel, 
na co ze sem se to chtel zeptat - prece na refresh!

  Takze k veci: v dokumentaci k HTML 4.01 ctu:
Note. Some user agents support the use of META to refresh the current page 
after a specified number of seconds, with the option of replacing it by a 
different URI. Authors should not use this technique to forward users to 
different pages, as this makes the page inaccessible to some users. Instead, 
automatic page forwarding should be done using server-side redirects.

Tak. Poucite me nekdo, prosim, jak provest zminovany "server-side" redirect? 
Dekuji pekne. :-)


-----------------------------------------       Eagle
|  Jirka "Eagle" Novak                |
|                  |    "Nemente veci, ktere jiz samy
|    ICQ:  46044619                   |     o sobe dobre funguji."
|  |                            Lao'c

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